pregnant woman holding her belly

Congratulations on your pregnancy! You’re about to embark on a wild ride full of amazing moments you’ll cherish forever (and others you’d rather leave out of the scrapbook). 😊 

As you settle into your nesting era, you’ll need nutrient-packed foods to support your body during this transformative period. And bone broth should be #1 on your list!

From easing morning sickness and joint pain to boosting postpartum healing, this natural, ancestral wellness elixir has been trusted by expecting and new mothers for centuries.

So let’s explore the science-backed benefits of bone broth for pregnancy, breastfeeding, and postpartum in this guide, starting with one of the most FAQs:


You should always speak with your healthcare provider before starting anything new during pregnancy. But as long as you choose a bone broth made with whole foods and clean ingredients, bone broth can be a nutritional powerhouse — especially when growing a tiny human.

Bone broth is made by simmering animal bones for 12 to 48 hours. This long, slow simmer (and a splash of vinegar) helps extract bone marrow from the animal bones into the broth.

Bone marrow is a treasure chest of gems for your health and wellness. And that means bone broth is loaded with nutrients your body will love throughout your pregnancy and postpartum journey, such as:

  • Collagen. Bone broth contains the highest source of natural dietary collagen
  • Gelatin. This protein-rich, gut-loving substance comes from collagen and gives bone broth its jelly-like texture when chilled.[*]
  • Amino acids (i.e., the building blocks of protein). Over half of the amino acids in bone broth are considered essential, which means we must get them from our diet as we cannot make them on our own.[*]
  • Essential vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes — crucial for optimal health and vital during your childbearing adventure.
  • Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid support everything from your connective tissues and joints to your digestive health.

Those all-stars drive the majority of bone broth pregnancy benefits.


Though a balanced diet of protein, fruits, vegetables, and slow-digesting carbohydrates should make up the foundation of your pregnancy nutrition, bone broth can be a powerful addition to your prenatal diet.

Enjoying bone broth during pregnancy can help you:


Your protein needs, daily calories, and required nutrient intakes all increase as you progress through pregnancy.[*] But eating more is easier said than done!

Pregnancy hormones often affect your digestive system, causing decreased appetites, food aversions, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting.[*] As your uterus and baby grow, they can also press on or block parts of your digestive tract, making even a gummy bear seem like too much to eat.[*]

That’s why so many expecting mothers swear by bone broth for morning sickness and loss of appetite:

  • Its easily-digestible nutrients can help settle your stomach. 
  • It’s easy to sip on and takes up little volume when other foods aren’t appealing or won’t stay down. 
  • Adding a cup or two of bone broth to your meals and snacks quickly sneaks in 10 to 20 grams of protein to meet your body’s demands. 


Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body; it’s the “glue” that holds everything together and the structure behind your skin, hair, nails, joints, and connective tissues.[*]

Lily Nichols, RDN, says, “Your uterus at term contains 800% more collagen than in a non-pregnant state.”[*]

As your body stretches to accommodate your growing baby, the collagen in bone broth can be your MVP — it may help improve skin elasticity and prevent or even reduce the appearance of stretch marks.[*][*]


Glycine isn’t normally considered an essential amino acid. However, it becomes essential during pregnancy.[*] It helps your body grow your bundle of joy, from blood vessels and bones to DNA and internal organs.[*] Luckily, bone broth is packed with this magical amino acid.


Pregnancy can seriously mess with your gut bacteria balance. Poor gut health may cause digestive issues (like gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea), fatigue, mood changes, skin problems, food sensitivities, sugar cravings, and more.[*

Disturbances in your gut microbiome have even been connected to preeclampsia, a dangerous pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure.[*]

Bone broth is rich in gut-healing compounds like collagen, gelatin, and amino acids that can help restore balance and support optimal digestion.[*][*] It may even allow a healthy gut microbiome to flourish in your baby.


Your water requirement increases as your pregnancy progresses.[*] This surge in water intake also calls for extra electrolytes — minerals like sodium, potassium, and magnesium that help regulate your fluid balance.

Staying hydrated improves circulation to move vital oxygen through your body and your baby’s while flushing out waste.[*] It also keeps muscle cramps, headaches, lethargy, and brain fog at bay.[*]

Unfortunately, many pregnant women don’t reach their daily hydration goals. This increases the risk of dehydration during pregnancy, which has been linked to:[*]

  • Preeclampsia and gestational hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Gestational weight gain and postpartum weight retention
  • Preterm births
  • Low birth weights

Bone broth is a natural source of the fluid and electrolytes your body needs to maintain optimal hydration. And it doesn’t contain the sugar or artificial colors found in sports drinks that claim to do the same.


Weight gain and changes in your weight distribution can affect your posture and joints, especially in the third trimester. You may feel more stiffness and achiness in your knees, back, hips, and pelvis. 

Interestingly, many women turn to bone broth for joint pain in pregnancy. 

Its collagen, glucosamine, and chondroitin have been known to keep joints happy, reduce discomfort, and even encourage the growth and repair of cartilage (the stuff that cushions your joints).[*][*][*]


According to the CDC, gestational diabetes affects almost 10% of all pregnancies in the US, and the risk of gestational diabetes rises with a mother’s age.[*][*]

Bone broth and gestational diabetes have become a topic of interest for many pregnant women seeking ways to naturally control their blood sugar levels.

Bone broth is low in sugar and carbohydrates and contains a moderate amount of protein, which can help balance glucose levels and ensure steady energy. It also contains glycine, an amino acid that can enhance insulin sensitivity and may support better blood sugar regulation.[*]

boost your immunity on wooden blocks


Scientists say an expecting mother’s immune system and inflammation levels change dramatically.[*] While a lowered immune response may prevent your body from rejecting its new tenant, it can also make you more susceptible to pesky germs.

Good news? Amino acids in bone broth boast anti-inflammatory properties that may keep inflammation in check and strengthen your immunity.[*][*]

All in all, the benefits of bone broth for pregnant women make it a versatile, nourishing addition to any prenatal diet. And they don’t stop there!


Your body works overtime to produce the nourishing milk your baby needs to thrive. And that means you need to bump up your calories by 340 to 500 per day to support yourself and your new bestie.[*][*][*]

Here’s why bone broth is a game-changer for your breastfeeding journey:


Let’s face it: you won’t always have two free hands to whip up healthy meals and snacks when your little one arrives. Between cuddling, contact naps, and breastfeeding, you’ll need quick, easy, one-handed food options to meet your nutritional demands.

Cue bone broth! You can sip it from a water bottle or even through a straw while reclining. Our Instant Bone Broth dishes up 10 grams of protein per serving — perfect for snacking or mixing with protein powder for a satiating meal.

🌟 Bonus: Bone broth is sleeping baby-approved. No loud crunching, crinkly bags, or mess to worry about when keeping your adorable new appendage in Snoozeville.


Like pregnancy, staying hydrated is crucial when you're breastfeeding.[*] Being dehydrated may decrease your milk supply.[*] So you can leverage bone broth’s fluid and electrolytes to boost your hydration and support lactation.

Some experts also believe bone broth contains galactagogues — substances that may help increase milk production and improve the quality of breast milk.[*] Win-win!

Not breastfeeding? No sweat! Bone broth also has your back postpartum.


Whether you have a natural or surgical birth, your body needs to heal and restore itself after this major transformation. So resist the pressure to “bounce back” ASAP and instead focus on rest, recovery, and replenishment during your postpartum period (aka, the “fourth trimester”).

Adding bone broth to your postpartum diet can help with:


The nutrients in bone broth may speed up your physical recovery process. Amino acids are like tiny construction workers that help your body build and repair tissues.[*] The collagen in bone broth also supports tissue repair, wound healing, and skin elasticity recovery after childbirth.[*][*

tired infant baby cries in mother hands. postnatal mother


Many new mothers experience postnatal depletion or postpartum depletion after childbirth. They feel a combination of physical, hormonal, and emotional exhaustion that often manifests as:[*]

  • Persistent fatigue and low energy levels
  • Brain fog, memory issues, and difficulty concentrating
  • Mood swings, anxiety, and feelings of being overwhelmed
  • Hair loss and digestive issues 

As your postpartum support team, the nutrients in bone broth have been shown to help:

  • Improve your mood [*]
  • Boost your energy levels [*]
  • Support hair growth and healthy hair [*]
  • Reduce bloating and improve mild digestive symptoms [*]
  • Combat insomnia, enhance sleep quality, and help you feel more well-rested [*][*]

So, now that you know all the incredible bone broth benefits for pregnancy and postpartum, let’s talk about how to make it a daily habit.


Sipping bone broth warm on its own is level one. But there are endless ways to savor bone broth during your pregnancy and postpartum era. Use these tips to add more bone broth to your daily routine:

  • VARY YOUR PROTEIN SOURCE. Do you prefer chicken or beef bone broth? Try keeping both on hand to cater to your cravings (or work around aversions).
  • SWITCH UP THE FLAVOR. Experiment with different herbs, spices, and fun additions with our guide on How To Make Bone Broth Taste Better.
  • SNEAK IT IN. Add bone broth to your protein smoothies, or cook your rice, quinoa, or legumes in bone broth instead of water. You’ll add a depth of flavor and sneak in extra nutrients without even tasting it.
  • TRY OUR FAVORITE BONE BROTH RECIPES. Enhance the nutritional profile of your meals and snacks with our easy, crave-worthy recipes.
  • CHILL IT. From bone broth ice cubes to bone broth drinks and cocktails, check out the best ways to use bone broth in the summer (or whenever you’re hot).

    You have enough on your plate right now. No one’s expecting you to make your own homemade bone broth too. So Bare Bones has you covered! We made the World’s first instant bone broth.

    With its rich blend of protein, collagen, amino acids, and minerals, our easy-to-use instant powdered mix offers the protein you want, the hydration your body needs, and none of the sugar. Simply rip, mix, and sip!

    Our Instant Bone Broth is:

  • ULTRA-CONVENIENT. There’s no cooking, cleanup, or leftovers to worry about.
  • SUPER PORTABLE. Mix it up, add it to your favorite travel vessel, and take it to work, your prenatal appointments, yoga, errands, and wherever else your day takes you.
  • VERSATILE. Sip it like tea or coffee for an anytime snack, use it in place of broth and stock, or add it as seasoning in your favorite recipes. 
  • GUILT-FREE FLAVOR BLISS. Staples like our Grass-Fed Beef Bone Broth and Chicken Bone Broth are ideal for days when you need to keep it simple. But our Ramen, Lemon Ginger, and Thai Coconut bone broths offer a world of flavor choices to excite your taste buds, satisfy cravings, and make your daily bone broth habit stick without getting boring.

  • 🙌 Psst! You can even snag a Classic Combo, Limited Edition, or Bestsellers multipack to rotate flavors throughout your pregnancy and postpartum transformation.


    Your body undergoes extraordinary changes during pregnancy and postpartum. Bone broth is a timeless ally that offers unparalleled support, nourishing you with essential nutrients, easing discomfort, bolstering your immune system, promoting healing, and more. 

    It’s not just a fancy soup; it’s a commitment to your overall well-being and an investment in the health of your growing family. 

    So don’t miss out on the power of bone broth. Make it a cornerstone of your wellness routine to give your body and baby the love they deserve. Try our Instant Bone Broth and experience the difference it can make today!

    Our mission at Bare Bones is to meet you where you are and nourish you with real, whole-food-based nutrients in the form that best fits your lifestyle. Cheers to your healthy pregnancy! 🫶